All fund-raising events, initiatives and GoFundMe appeals promoted by the What’s Up Network in Switzerland and SwissMeUp.com are thoroughly vetted by our team to ensure that they are legitimate. In almost every case we personally know the people organising, orchestrating and running the charities involved. We would like to encourage you to donate directly to these organisations via the links provided.
The What’s Up Network in Switzerland and SwissMeUp.com current Verified What’s Up Charity Appeals are:
In Switzerland

Swiss4Afrika is an active partner, helping to build and develop communities in South Africa, to empower them to become the best versions of themselves and aiming to assist in breaking the cycles of poverty.
‘We work with communities and community leaders to assist with building homes, we also believe to leave our communities in a much better condition than we have found them‘.
Our team at SwissMeUp.com meet regularly with the directors at Swiss4Afrika.
Here’s the link to their website:

Europe UK-based Charity
Hope and Homes for Children

This UK-based charity is responding to the crisis unfolding across Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.
January 2023 – Update:
“Back in Ukraine today. Delivering a portable 40KW generator and heating system that can be moved between schools and hospitals. The temperature will plummet in the coming weeks, and the days will remain short. Russian forces will continue to target the energy infrastructure. Children in particular will face massive disruption to their education while dealing with trauma and bone-biting cold. If you can, please support our work with children, and encourage others to. Happy New Year." www.hopeandhomes.org

Since the early morning of February 24th, when Russian forces launched an invasion in Ukraine, more than two million people have fled the country seeking refuge in the neighbouring countries.
Siret, Romania, March 10th, 2022

Here’s a message from Hope and Homes for Children
As the war in Ukraine intensifies, many people want to do something – anything – to help. By donating to our work in Ukraine, Romania and Moldova, you’ll be protecting children and families both now and in the aftermath of this war.
We are deeply concerned for the 100,000 children warehoused in Ukraine’s orphanage system. Orphanages are already being targeted by shells, missiles and illegal cluster bombs. As fighting intensifies, the staff in these orphanages are fleeing and large numbers of children are being left to face the dangers of war alone.
This brutal invasion is not only exposing children and families to unimaginable harm right now, but will continue to do so for years to come. We must act now to avert a child protection emergency cross Eastern Europe.
Hope and Homes for Children was born out of the Balkans Conflict 30 years ago. We’ve seen children left behind in warzones, to fend for themselves in bombed out orphanages. We’ve seen refugee children separated from families and thrown into dangerous orphanages far away from their homes. We cannot allow history to repeat itself in Ukraine, where for nearly 25 years we’ve been offering practical solutions to keep struggling families together, and working closely with the government to move children out of orphanages and into loving family environments.
We exist to positively impact the lives of children, and we are uniquely placed, in Ukraine, Moldova and Romania to bring our expertise to bear in ensuring the most vulnerable children and families are protected now and in the aftermath of this war.
https://hopeandhomes.org – Click here if you would like to help.
South African Orphan Appeal – Soli Deo Gloria Care Centre

This is Soli Deo Gloria Care Centre in Lydenburg, South Africa. Above is a snapshot of some of the amazing things achieved this year:
New housing has been built to accommodate orphans.
This initiative is supported via Swiss4Afrika.
Helping in the Islands
A great Pacific-based program is TAWS:

Tonga Animal Welfare Society, known as TAWS, was established in 2020 by a group of animal loving residents to Tonga.
With so many animals on the island and no veterinarian the community are often left with no where to turn for help.
6 people who care passionately about animals and their welfare joined together to become the voice for animal welfare and to help support the community with challenges they face when it comes to animal care.
TAWS want to unite, educate and support the community and will endeavour to find a vet to come and live and work on the island, helping us to keep all animals – dogs, cats, pigs, goats, sheep, horses, bats, ducks, geese and cattle, healthy and safe from illness and pain.
Please don’t send money to SwissMeUp.com or the What’s Up Network in Switzerland –
Send it directly to the charity.