SwissMeUp asked Peter Wilburg from Wildwurst to tell us a bit about how he started a successful business in Switzerland.
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Since I was a young man, my ambition has always been to share joy through good food. So after a few years in Switzerland, we started a little business in my cellar, producing in a Thai food kitchen we could use almost rent free – gotta love those days of small beginnings.

A couple of friends who loved the products kept asking for more and word spread (especially though the Swiss-South African community – Roger Federer is also half South African FYI). Now, we produce a tonne of meaty goodies of the highest quality and one business after another are asking if they can sell our stuff. It’s a beautiful, gradual development!

We keep focusing on top quality and great customer service, in our aim to give people the best from hunt and home.

Yes, I am a hunter; it is some of the best meat available – straight from the forest to the fridge. Yes, I love producing high quality products that make people come back for more. And yes, we would love to supply you if you are looking for a noble, consumable gift for your business or loved ones, or to satisfy your inner foody’s cravings.

A few times a year, you can find us at a market, like the Zibelemärit in Bern or the Expat Christmas market. Otherwise you can get your fix online at WILDWURST.CH. We ship all over Switzerland. Looking forward to the next occasion to connect!
You can meet Peter and buy his products at our SwissMeUp and What’s Up Bern Christmas Market on Saturday 14th December at the British School in Bern.