…is an interconnected network of social groups in Switzerland.

Emphasis is placed on meeting new people, events and having fun. There are no membership fees, members are known as ‘WhatsUppers’ and most use English as a first or second language. The network was established in June 2021 and currently has over 25,000 members.

There are nine groups within the network, with What’s Up Bern leading the charge with over 9400 members! This is followed by What’s Up Basel with 5400 members and What’s Up Zurich, with recently added groups in Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen and Ticino. 

With the exception of our What’s Up Switzerland Network page (7500 members), all groups are run privately using Facebook with less stringent conditions of entry being applied to our local WhatsApp groups.

The What’s Up Network in Switzerland is partnered with SwissMeUp.com.

Our website and new online magazine was launched in March 2022. 

The website’s main commercial driver ‘Swiss Me Up.com’ hosts special offers and discounts from partner companies and organisations. This provides our What’s Up Members with businesses the opportunity to gain extensive access to the English-speaking segment of the market both living in and visiting Switzerland. Businesses are vetted via our Gold Star rating program.

Approximately 20% of What’s Up members are Swiss. We are not an ‘Expat’ group, but an integrated, multicultural network of groups.

The What’s Up Network promotes three VCA’s (Verified Charitable Appeals) with current focus on helping children. Our main focus is on helping Swiss4Africa.

To get involved in our social scene go to a group in your area: 

What’s Up Bern!

What’s Up Basel!

What’s Up Zurich!

The What’s Up Network in Switzerland – This page is a Public Group

What’s Up Lausanne! – Newly Established Group

What’s Up Geneva! – Newly Established Group

What’s Up St Gallen! – Newly Established Group

What’s Up Ticino! – Newly Established Group

What’s Up Lucerne! – Newly Established Group