Category: Education in Switzerland

Breaking Out of the Box

Written on December 19, 2023 in Education in Switzerland

A look at the inspiration behind the establishment of a new business in Basel. The Happy Hedgehog is a big success with both kids and parents! Article by Darka Marie Steinmann There are many boxes in life; the ones that we put ourselves in, and the ones that others only feel too happy to push us…

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The What’s Up Network in Switzerland!

Written on April 23, 2022 in Education in Switzerland

…is an interconnected network of social groups in Switzerland. Emphasis is placed on meeting new people, events and having fun. There are no membership fees, members are known as ‘WhatsUppers’ and most use English as a first or second language. The network was established in June 2021 and currently has over 25,000 members. There are…

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Giving things for Happiness