Dine in at SWAAD Bern Subcontinental Indian Restaurant in Ostermundigen on any Monday or Tuesday and get a 10% discount when you use the SwissMeUp.com Promo Code!

SWAAD regularly hosts members of our group at what have become known as ‘What’s Up Curry Nights’. So check out who else might be around and see if you can join the big table that seats 14 people.

SWAAD facilitates split / individual bills. The owner ‘Zafar’ speaks fluent English and will happily guide you through the menu.

Tariq Masih – Master Chef at SWAAD – the guy is a genius!

And ‘YES’ SWAAD even has Kingfisher Beer! SWAAD has a 10 out of 10 rating with the What’s Up Group. The food is fantastic.

031 558 33 88
MONDAY to FRIDAY (11:30 – 14:00) (17:00 – 22:00)
SATURDAY (17:00 – 22:00)
EMAIL: hello@swaadbern.ch